USNISA - Intelligence Synthesis (Overview) |
accelerated activities and disclosures of significance [applying magnetism to the thought-field] intro galactic and universal scaling network application - wan/lan subterranean and beyond
usnisa has become a resource that cross references media forms and interprets information across entirely different frequencies with a synthesis effect purpose is to expand the perspective of what is going on around us and to help sync that massive universal flow by aligning the resources that we are responsible for - how to be of the most service is a simple directive we have followed all along our approach has always been through the technique of artistic expression and technological know-how - we have been in the art/communications world for many decades and we have no agenda or need to personally interact with or control anyone - just a desire to communicate responsibly and freely and through that empower others with their conscious right to do the same - true sovereignty a usnisa objective is to show how and where these processes reveal themselves and how to detect effects and activities that are already in the mix - then provide interpretive pathways for the mass expansion of consciousness that everyone is going thru - removes masks and lets you see info for what it truly represents to you
the nature of the material requires an approach of accelerated expansion to be the main objective - it merely achieves the removal of the energy governing conscience structuring and the subsequent behavior that is put in place by forced patterned thinking = (one way communications) a t1 connection (entry level bidirectional service capable of 2 way communications under current architecture) is primarily a conceptual / virtual tool for eliminating time pattern from atmosphere - the t1 can open and put an environment into another dimension where time is more in a flux state - this is primary maneuvering that is in parallel and will also lead to what is referenced below 3rd dimensional density is giving way to multidimensional transparency through conscious shifts that originate at our sun and star centers
these formulas contain catalysts that when activated permit energies or even specific objects to travel instantly from one point to another - we can quickly navigate from one point in the galaxy to another regardless of the distances involved these simple sovereign designs provide insights into how the information integrates with the rest of the dimensional realities we currently access - this along with the ideas concepts and directions expressed through and absorbed from these threads creates a base level intelligence synthesis module - it has been an extended period of amnesia for most it is time to remember these issues are of top priority and are very much in the process of fully revealing themselves - there is very little time left for limited consciousness. the final process which is well underway is purely and simply disclosing the age old plot of how these limitations were put in place and why - a media event that is underway on every common carrier wave available - the time when the conscious light becomes brighter than the light of the sun
after disclosure the most needed resource is a way to synthesize information as fast as possible - this is where the connection is - communication and consciousness in synchronicity - think about it - nothing in the way of total connectivity to the universal source of all code - simple but true
this type of activating material makes you physically aware of the level of energy that is abundant and available through this conscious delivery system
to pick up on server-based reality and to reference that over 70 percent of all activity is the serving process - the sovereign issue is that everybody is entitled to serve, which is the natural intuitive state that promotes the acceleration of giving it is only necessary 2 serve the code 2 build whatever device you need to do the job yourself - final phase of the material approach and launch of the de-materialization and de-densified process fully open sovereign communications issues - open source - civil - private approach to fully sovereign levels of communication - no commercial interference or distraction - watch what happens and how fast - the process is well underway - more synthesis territory - this is more than entertainment but still the best show in town - entertainment/education needs to stay in place as an aid and translation device for higher rates of transmission - better entertainment/education must be developed_ it is a quick study for most - imbed key learning elements (underlying usnisa synthesis practice) instead of destructive subliminal messages - the language most understand is television - to translate new levels of info through that language is somewhat custom-made/tailor-fit to the resource and the evidence of the private broadcasting era we are now in the middle of represented by the fact the system is giving in to the content and no longer controlling it
communications: server-based user-side of northeast is maxed out - server-side is high priced and has priority, but most server-side activity has no purpose without user counterpart - a condition that demands balance - the real issue is the transition of everyone just privately using a phone or being on the network with expanded capabilities and responsibilities self healing equipment is being sold commercially now and a very high level campaign for this emerging phenomena of artificial intelligence - more major reasons for OSGS focus usnisa was the model, and is now a global movement as well as an architectural resource for the neu and next wave of organic computing. the answers are in this organic technological component - inherent in the system_ what is really on the horizon is something beyond all the limitations of any current form of tek - the word and beginning is sovereignty - all action at this point must be aimed at providing this to all. another way of looking at it is that the current mission is in the sovereignty provisioning_ it is provided by empowering individuals with the resource that the other pattern suggests should be used 2 take advantage of these same individuals (communicating is a spiritual right) we can move as fast as consciousness permits - super-luminal beyond personal limitations is the optimum work atmosphere - it is a conscious movement - who said it wouldn't work out if everybody got what they needed - everybody is lost in the convenience cycle and not aware of alternatives like blackbox (self-sustaining power) or antennae (high-speed wireless) - these things followed by self sustaining environment discourse could be done in radically short periods of time - details are abundant we were the first to study effects of being living media outside of star-based media / cabal mechanism - our life is online and it is not invasive at all - to the contrary this openness and straight-forward approach is the most liberated state - after - sometimes there just arent any ghosts lurking and this process will chase them away if they are
not - i have the information and will do it 4 u - i will give u the information so u can do it 4 your self. with this as a basis the network model comes next and the logical determining for proper distribution of resources - followed by the organic component overcontrolling of both levels of activity and applying conscience direction to the vehicle OSGS
create and contribute focus and distribute s+e = c+c = f+d = s+e - a reciprocal loop that taps back into the perpetual energy system underlying everything most ailments and/or psychological blockages are spawned by this de-evolutionary process of one-way broadcasting - experiments with chronic fatigued patients showed them as activated, accelerated individuals online in a matter of days and with the resources to reflect that back to themselves - serving the process then fulfills itself on the physical plane [research experiments 98/99] in network terms we have been riding in a t1plus vehicle for quite some time so we have a more expanded perspective of what it actually represents - soon packages that will make t1s look like old phone lines will be presented more on the order of the vehicle that they are - this will shift consciousness into the accelerated state required for this next level agenda having the capabilities of moving and interpreting large amounts of information - that being the most needed resource - reveals its not just about what we do specifically its about the fact that it all applies to the most needed resource - giving us a common umbrella to focus on fulfilling the objective - channeling and distributing the abundance of the universal power that is available - these days you have to focus inward to make movement on the outside in whatever you encounter or plan rest assured this is the most likely immediate future and align all qualified resources to it so this reveals somewhat of a frankenstein. not fully understanding what this next level of communicating was about the so called "monster from the id" is materializing and producing effects via dis-associated un-consciousness which in turn points fingers at the system knowing its the one thing that it would like to go away
figures the first thing to get the full advantage of the new reality would be the darker side of the mass psyche - most likely should be first on the list of things to be repaired since the pattern was so dominant and forced upon the masses by former one-way communications system needs mods/repairs but there should be no bias. now this is all in order in the sense of healing and growing to a mature stage of functionality - similar to a child's fear of unknown and the unknown being what is done to them and how to control their own conscious space - and now we're back to the task - that being proper perspective, re-alignment, insight about communicating and it being at the base of the civilization process control communications and control civilization - the movement we are experiencing since we in this country have taken control over our sovereign right and have flushed out the reality to where it is desperately trying to regain the consciousness that has been liberated during this inception period if we combine the tek as a component for accelerated delivery of this conscious resource it will create a focus unlike any prior to this time and overpower abuse of any further technologies because the world will finally see that our technology is ours like our conscience - it shouldnt be taken from the people and sold to the highest bidder so they in turn can control the masses with it - weve grown out of the training wheels of government mind control which is a manifestation of the collective consciousness - we as world citizens must confront this head on with the easy solutions that have been bestowed upon us facts
nature simplifies as it evolves - the stable sovereign model is the issue and the more we integrate into this balanced architecture the less dependency on uncontrollable architectures there will be for all the deal is we've been doing large scale integration networks and inverse multiplexing since it all began - the issue is to finish with history and seize the neu reality - creating the alternative future - now mechanically its serving conceptually its declaring full privileges and responsibility to provide to all openly |